International Standard Organization: ISO Certificate No. 2018: 21001 with EA Code No. 37 and NACE Code With registration number 20778269 through QAL UK

Educational accreditation is a quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body to determine whether applicable and recognized standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency. Northwest International University as a legal and reputable institution today has gained a favorable position among scientific, educational and research centers. In this regard, the university is a member of a number of prestigious national, regional and global centers, some of which are mentioned here
1-United Kingdom

Northwest University International Science Center with registration number 12775260 Dated july 28 ,2020 Gardiff , UK

CDP Accreditation Group in the field of continuing professional development and training provider with registry code 778386

Permanent member of Association of Economics ip in the World Association of Economics and Economic Sciences based in Bristol, England from April 14, 2021

As an associate member of Global Education Network Europe ,located in Dublin ,Northern Ireland
2-United States of America

US HighScope Foundation: Supporter of Quality Children Education Programs (Membership Card), Michigan , United states of America

Ministry of Justice of Georgia ,LEPL National Agency of Public Registry No.B1 8005454 dated 18/01/2018

Ministry of Forign affairs, information al Consultation Dividion , Registration No.501757408583863 Dated 26-01-2018

Georgia Chamber of Commerce and Industry GCCI , as a Scientific, Educational and Research institution valid in Europe . Registration No. 515/19 Dated 05/08/2019
4- Sultanate of Oman

Ministry of Forign affairs ,Registration No. 2/801 Dated 25/10/2020
5- International and regional institutions

Asia Excercise and Sport Association , Membership ID 2121475 , Dated 11-06-2021a

The Global Academic Network of Education , as an associate university. ANGEL isalso affiliated to UCL, Northwest International University is an associate institution of ANGEL at the presen time