The process of individual contracts, a group that somehow was linked to the sources of power in the tribe, the area of human life, provided social contracts and gradually created the rules. What and why human values gradually provided a platform for the defense of human existence, until the elements of the power and wisdom of society introduced legal systems as the outcome of the process of the development of human societies in the field of civil, criminal, and international relations.
This path has continued so that the status of law in the world and countries, nations and politicians is considered as one of the most important components of development, and hesitation is considered as the most prominent component of the development of human society. The development of the foundations and resources of legal disciplines in scientific, judicial and social systems, in particular universities, on the one hand, and the reduction of the authenticity of beliefs and beliefs in favor of the humanity and human nature of human beings have led experts to focus on the authenticity of the field of law more than in the past, and towards Developing the foundations of legal disciplines in the context of distributed justice, emphasizing on restorative justice, and instead of detecting crimes in the behavior of all human societies, they will address the attitudes of prevention and restoration in the legal and social spheres with a view to defaming and preventing crime.
Dean's Welcome Message
The process of individual contracts, a group that somehow was linked to the sources of power in the tribe, the area of human life, provided social contracts and gradually created the rules. What and why human values gradually provided a platform for the defense of human existence, until the elements of the power and wisdom of society introduced legal systems as the outcome of the process of the development of human societies in the field of civil, criminal, and international relations.
This path has continued so that the status of law in the world and countries, nations and politicians is considered as one of the most important components of development, and hesitation is considered as the most prominent component of the development of human society. The development of the foundations and resources of legal disciplines in scientific, judicial and social systems, in particular universities, on the one hand, and the reduction of the authenticity of beliefs and beliefs in favor of the humanity and human nature of human beings have led experts to focus on the authenticity of the field of law more than in the past, and towards Developing the foundations of legal disciplines in the context of distributed justice, emphasizing on restorative justice, and instead of detecting crimes in the behavior of all human societies, they will address the attitudes of prevention and restoration in the legal and social spheres with a view to defaming and preventing crime.
Laws are important to keep social structures in place and to ensure everyone indiscriminately goes by standard rules so they can all expect the same responses by authorities in any given set of similar situations.
The vision of the Northwest International University, School of Law is to evolve and impart comprehensive and interdisciplinary legal education that is socially relevant. Through this education, we aim to promote legal and ethical values and foster the rule of law and the objectives enshrined in the human being rights all over the world.
The mission of the Northwest International University, School of Law is to achieve excellence in educating professionals, advancing legal scholarship, serving the public and fostering justice. The School of Law aspires to prepare lawyers to serve their clients, the justice system and the public with a high level of accomplishment and a commitment to the highest ideals of the legal profession. Northwest International University ,School of Law strives to provide students with a well-rounded legal education. The curriculum of the School is designed to teach students about the law and to help them develop the skills necessary to use that knowledge in practice
Overall Goal
A law school dedicated to advancing human dignity, social welfare and justice through knowledge of law.
- Attracting, organizing, providing services to students of law fields of study until graduation time regardless from regional, racial, religion, and national discrimination
- Training of law professionals tailored to the needs of human development at the global level
- Acquiring the largest share in the development and promotion of legal science and law values in the world
- Generate the highest amount of legal text in quantitative and most influential texts qualitatively
- Producing responsive textbooks to educational needs of countries, especially the Eurasia region, with the goal of understanding the legal and procedural laws of the region and the international community
- Establishment of a legal doctrine in the Eurasian region, used by prosecutors, attorneys and other human rights defenders
- Research on the legal aspects and issues of political, economic, social, commercial and cultural issues, the promotion and development of human-centered and universal ethics and values, free from any discrimination
- Recruiting, organizing legal elites in countries with the goal of producing and managing knowledge of law
In order to realize the above vision, mission and goal certain values need to be nurtured by the School of Law consisting of:
- Espouse the virtues of truth, integrity, honesty, tolerance, professionalism, teamwork and meritocracy
- Uphold the ethics and etiquette of teaching, learning and research in science of law
- Promote and defend the freedom of thought and academic inquiry as well as freedom of association
- Be creative and innovative
- Ensure openness and transparency in all its dealings and operations
- Nurture responsible corporate citizenship and strong social responsibility
- Be at the forefront in providing leadership in national agenda
- Respect the beliefs and values of others
- Respect and protect the environment
- Have the courage to initiate and adapt to change
- Providing educational services based on the history of the development of the field of law and the necessary terminology based on the efforts of knowledge and wisdom to understand the laws of all countries and education without bias and bias and to recognize the legal aspects of human values.
- Provide educational scenarios based on United Nations human rights bills and laws and regulations.
- Production and management of legal knowledge, with emphasis on interdisciplinary aspects.
- Investigate legal aspects and issues of political, economic, social, commercial and cultural issues, promote and develop human-centered and universal ethics and values, free from any discrimination.
- Recruiting, organizing legal elites in countries with the goal of producing and managing knowledge of law.
Associate – Bachelors – Masters – Doctorate
Criminology – Private Law – Public Right – International Law
How to provide educational services:
- Long-term: Non-attendance, Online
- Short-term: Educational seminars and workshops, Modular education